CMA CGM hit by another cyber attack

CMA CGM has been hit by another cyber attack, just under one year since its last big breach.

The French containerline told customers today that it had suffered a leak of data on limited customer information involving first and last names, employer, position, email address and phone number. CMA CGM said its IT teams have immediately developed and installed security patches.

CMA CGM advised clients not to share their account passwords or any personal information. Clients were also asked to check the authenticity of an email requesting to log in to the carrier’s platforms, especially if requested to reset a password.

Late last September, CMA CGM was hit by ransomware which paralysed much of its IT infrastructure.

All of the the world’s top liners – Maersk, MSC, Cosco and CMA CGM – have suffered hacks in recent years, leading to massive losses.

Copyright splash247.comby Sam Chambers

Photo:  Hieronymus Ukkel /