Apollo in the Spotlight: Hector Beltre

For this month’s Apollo member interview, we had a short chat with Hector Beltre from the Dominican Republic. Hector talks about being one of the first forwarders in his country to receive an official logistics degree and the importance of education and preparation for young professionals.

How did you get started in the logistics industry and what has your journey been like so far?

In the Dominican Republic, being part of the industry is a shot of luck. Unfortunately, we are not very developed on the educational side. Only 12 years ago, education systems have innovated and started to include professional careers for international business and commerce. I was part of the first group of graduates certified by local universities and because of the market’s needs, we have been appointed to the job immediately even without the carriers being ready. Since 2012 until now, it has been an incredible journey. I had the opportunity to cover most of the areas like freight forwarding (regular and neutral), 3PL company, line carrier, and my current step, a family company covering 4PL and local distribution with terminals around the country. 

If there is one thing that you could change to the logistics industry, what would it be and why?

Education and preparation for our industry. In general, people that are involved in logistics learn by doing the job and not in university or school. Even when we are specialized and technical professionals, all countries need their people to manage this because at the end of day, we sell or buy goods to supply the needs.

What do you like most about the industry and your job in particular?

The most exciting and satisfying thing is seeing how our jobs impact daily life to all people around us, from supermarkets to big machinery that is impossible to move. One example of this was the COVID period, we never stop working and it is essential to make things like medicine available to people, no matter the circumstances. 

How do you set yourself apart from your competitors?

As a company, we offer our customers excellence by focusing on customer service. More than just sales service, we offer a partner that knows how to deliver the responsibility of goods while you drive your core business. 

What do you like the most about being a member of our logistics network?

We treat each other like family, this is an essential characteristic of this network.

Working with a small group of companies gives us the opportunity to get to know each other and develop business and personal relationships in the long term. 

How do you relax in your free time?

In my free time, I do my best to ride my bike with friends or do cross-training outside. I call it a peaceful time, our industry requires much attention, and we need time to think clearly and get the chance to reload the batteries.

— Thank you, Hector !