Apollo in the Spotlight: Erik Bugarín Robles

For the latest edition of our Apollo member interview, we talked to Erik Bugarín Robles from Los Angeles, United States. We discussed the importance of transparancy in the logistics industry and the emphasis his company puts on giving customers a personalized service.

How did you get started in the logistics industry and what has your journey been like so far?

I got started in the logistics industry when I was 18 years old, recently graduated from high school. I was working at a transloading warehouse in Los Angeles, California, unloading merchandise that came in from Saudi Arabia in green UASC 40ft containers. Eventually I became involved in drayage trucking and ocean transportation while working for other forwarders, and after a few years decided to open my own business.

What was the most unusual/challenging shipment you recently handled?

Transporting refrigerated containers is always challenging, especially over long distances. We recently delivered a refrigerated container from Los Angeles to Denver, Colorado, a 4 day roundtrip. We are fortunate to have drivers who are able to repair and monitor gensets while on the road.

If there is one thing that you could change to the logistics industry, what would it be and why?

Transparency in supply chains, from data sharing among industry leaders, to accurate shipping costs at origin and destination.

What is the most important lesson working in logistics has taught you?

The most important lesson I’ve learned is to be transparent and honest with my customers, vendors, and industry partners. To be resourceful and always have a plan B because in logistics sometimes things don’t work out as expected.

What do you like most about the industry and your job in particular?

Logistics can be intimidating and I enjoy guiding people through it.

How do you set yourself apart from your competitors?

Through personalized service, honesty, and transparency in our operations and service towards our partners. I have a passion of finding solutions and going the extra mile for people.

We also own our own equipment such as drayage trucks and chassis, which allows us to offer competitive pricing, reduce overhead costs for importers, and provide greater visibility in their domestic supply chain.

What do you like the most about being a member of our logistics network?

I enjoy meeting new people and developing lasting friendships.

How do you relax in your free time?

I enjoy traveling the world with my wife and son, and watching ice hockey and fútbol.

Thank you, Erik!