Apollo in the Spotlight: Craig Barnes

For the newest edition of our Apollo member interview, we talked to Craig Barnes from Manchester, United Kingdom. We discussed the importance of maintaining good connections, improving the general perception on the industry and treating all customers equally.

How did you get started in the logistics industry and what has your journey been like so far?

I graduated from University in 1994 with a degree in Maritime Studies and Shipping Business.  Having caught the “bug” for the shipping industry, I took my first job with a freight forwarder and have remained in the sector ever since.

I have been fortunate to hold diverse roles within the companies I have worked for starting as a desk clerk through supervisory, Branch and Area Manager roles as well as travelling overseas for client, partner and conferences.  

Since joining my current company in 2015, I have been focused on developing our sales and overseas partner structure.    

If there is one thing that you could change to the logistics industry, what would it be and why?

Difficult question to answer, whilst I would love our industry to be run with consistent rates across the board, clearly that is not viable and won’t happen easily if at all.  

I would like the perception on the industry to be increased, I think, despite all the issues that Covid-19 brought and other external factors have brought which were negative it did highlight the importance of our industry and that the whole world needs a robust, well-trained, competent and compliant logistics industry for our daily lives.

How do you set yourself apart from your competitors?

Its all about the people, this has always been a fundamental of what makes us different. We have a great knowledge base, colleagues that care about the job they do and this translates to our clients and partners.  We always aim to find a solution that suits our clients rather than the client having to fit into our regime, all clients are treated the same and by doing so, they chose to use our services because they want to.

What do you like most about the industry and your job in particular?

Every day and every circumstance are different.  Meeting new people, working on new ideas and solutions. Learning from my peers and (hopefully) sharing some of my experience with them.

What is the most important lesson working in logistics has taught you?

Its all about people, try not to burn bridges and be yourself.  Despite the size of the industry it is a small world and certainly the “Six Degrees of Separation” theory is less in than that in the logistics industry. In our industry, even if you aren’t doing business in a certain region you have access to a “friend” there making the world a smaller place. 

What do you like the most about being a member of our logistics network?

Giving us a global platform with local knowledge and experience anywhere in the world. Being surrounded by like-minded companies and colleagues therein gives us opportunity to grow in a controlled way.

How do you relax in your free time?

Free time – not something our industry is known for making the best use of as there is something happening 24/7  .  Outside of work, I like to spend time with family and friends and going to support my football team at every opportunity with my children, keeping up a 20 year tradition.

— Thank you, Craig !